Yesterday session was the 4th session of BITC training and we had a chance to make this chiffon cake. In fact, I didn't make chiffon cake before. One reason is I do not have a proper tin to make this cake. Another reason is, due to its appearance. It is not appealing to me (I didn't try chiffon cake before as well) and thus I didn't bother to try it out.
However, after trying the chiffon cake which I made in BTIC, I realise it is a very delicious cake. The texture is moist , soft and it is just delicious as it is ,without adding any topping. I am sure that I will be making chiffon cake often.
Since it is a very soft and airy cake, the most challenging part is to un-mold the cake. We had to pay special attention on this part, otherwise the cake will have dents and it might even collapse. For my cake, I can un-mold nicely for half of the cake, but there was a big cut in the other side of the cake. Require more practises to perfect.

Here are the ingredients and methods, (make 23cm round cake)
- Cake flour 120g
- Plain flour 100g
- Baking powder 11g
- salt 2g
- Egg Yolks 9nos
- Sugar 100g
- Liquid 160g (water -140g, orange juice- 20g)
- Vegetable oil 150g
Group 4
- Egg whites 9nos
- sugar 210 g
- Cream of tar tar 2g
- Sift group 1, set aside
- Using electric mixer, whisk group 4 till soft peak form
- Mix well group2 and group3. Add in Group1.
- Fold in half of the group 4 into the flour-liquid mixture till combine. Gently fold in the balance.
- Place in 23cm chiffon tin (do not grease it) and bake in 180 degree C preheated oven for 1 hour.
- Once bake, invert upside down to cool before removing it from the tin.
- Once cool, gently remove it and ready to serve. Enjoy!
yah, chiffon cake is very spongy and soft. I like it too. your first time unmoulding skill is still great. I could not get out the cake as good as yours. I always look forward your post on baking class..
Hi Ma Khin Htay & Su Nwe, thanks for visiting....
looks great!! wanna eat :-)
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စုေက်ာ္၊ မမလု လာလည္တာေက်းဇူးပါ။
မမလုေရ Evy ကခုမွသင္ေနတုန္းပဲရွိေသးတာပါ။ ခ်ီးက်ဳးလုိ႔ ပိုၿပီး အရွိန္တက္သြားၿပီ :D ။
Your orange chiffon looks perfect! You know till now i'm still not confident making chiffon cakes especially big ones. :)
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